
To “empower women” means to authorize power or increase the overall position, status and condition of women in all spheres of life. Through women empowerment, we demand equality with men in matters of employment, marriage, inheritance, education, financial, religion, etc. According to a research, empowering women will act as a potential that will accelerate the economic growth and continue development.

“There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.”-Kofi Annan

A woman is the creator of life and without women the human life would cease to exist. But, it’s unfortunate that we are living in a male-dominated society where women are referred to as weaker and inferior gender to men. The condition of women is worse in India. In India, women are looked down upon and treated as slaves by men.

“I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men; they are far superior and always have been.”-William Golding

Purdah system, Practice of Sati, child marriage, and other such redundant practices have been controlled or ceased to exist. But there are still many issues like increase in women rape cases, sexual harassment at workplace, dowry systems, female infanticide, honor killings etc. are still hampering the freedom of women.

But many people, organizations, activists and groups are working to uplift the women of India. Women are becoming aware of their rights, are attaining multiple roles, and realizing their potential. But, not just the women themselves, but the men have to wake up to a world that is moving towards equality and equity. It is better that this is embraced earlier rather than later, for our own good. A long struggle going on over a century has brought women the, voting rights, civil rights, property rights, etc. before the law in matters of marriage and employment.

In Rajasthan too, much work is being done for empowering women. Improved education for girls, better career opportunities for women, conducive work environments, successful implementation of business ideas, strengthened family support and open-mindedness, shift in societal thinking for positive, and etc. has helped a great deal in empowering women of Jaipur and Rajasthan.

But, it is necessary to accelerate the growth of women because hundreds of thousands of women have suffered the cruelties and injustices for centuries now, and it’s time to end it so women can cherish their womanhood and femininity in truest of sense. First of all we need to address all the social inequalities hindering women’s advancement in order to change women situation in the society as well as nation. Next, when women will realize their self-worth and not succumb to any wrong-doings, can they liberate themselves and stand up for their rights. Also, men must understand that women are equal to them in all sense and they must be treated with utmost respect, dignity and integrity.

A world will know peace, harmony and sustainable growth when women and men will fearlessly co-exist and co-depend as equals.


Source by Saatiish Jhuntrraa

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