Child marriage is One of the crimes against humanity committed against young girls, A gross violation of human rights, A killing of childhood innocence, and a shout of nations for rights and freedoms. Just as the recruitment of children violates the rights of male children, the marriage minors is a violation of the rights of female children.

Sexual harassment of children

When a perpetrator intentionally harms a minor physically, psychologically, sexually, or by acts of neglect, the crime is known as child abuse. This video focuses specifically on child sexual abuse and the warning signs that this crime may be occurring.

Children Military Recruiting and its Danger on Yemen Future

Children Military Recruiting is a humanitarian unprecedented Disaster in world history, blatant violation for human rights and a war crime according to international laws and regulations. Huthi group in Yemen is of the worst terrorist groups after ISIS in regard overly publicizing the recruitment of children in an explicit violation of international laws

Education Situation in Yemen is Threatening Future of Coming Generation

Education is the basis of developing civilization and growth of nations future. And the existence of any danger to education will result in the growth of behindhand generation that will become a threat to international security and social peace. We hereby,

"I am against, against and against the marriage of underage girls, and I will support them with all the means they need"
Famous singer
“I am sure that you will be a world legend, the Arab child ambassador and the maker of change in the world"
Famous actor

To visit nada al-ahdal

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