This youtube video discusses the presence of child marriage or child bride throughout the world. Child marriage is defined as a formal marriage or informal union before the age of 18. The video talks about the unimaginable statistics of child marriage. Around 700 million women around the world are married as a children. About 1 of 3 of those are married before the age of 17. Many countries such as India, Niger, Bangladesh are prevalent with child marriage practices despite laws against it.

The practice of child marriage has been burgeoning due to the ever increase of poverty, cultural traditions, gender inequality, and beneficial security for child brides. Despite all of the reasons behind the practice, the negative effects of child marriage is in its severity that even basic human rights is being suppressed to an extent. Abuse and violence is also common in the practice especially when a child is young and uneducated. Risk of death and complications is also high for early pregnancy.

There are ways that can be done to prevent or intervene with child marriages as mentioned by the video. But such thing is no easy task. Educating girls is a step that can enhance a child’s understanding of their surroundings. Empowerment gives them the knowledge and capabilities to stand up for themselves and those around them. Economic support is another way to intervene with marriages because poverty is one the primary causes of child marriages.


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