Just a reminder > Emily Doneen Child Marriage in Yemen
Just a reminder > Protect Girls in Yemen from Child Marriage and Famine
You can help protect young girls from child marriage in war-torn Yemen, where over 65% of girls are married as children. Through TYTW’s proven nutrition, education, and clean water initiatives which have provided over 100,000 meals to girls in Yemen, your gift will help keep vulnerable girls in school, safe from child marriage and other […]
Just a reminder > 12-Year-Old Child Marriage Survivor
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#CHILDMARRIAGE #PUNISHABLE #CRIME Child marriage in Pakistan is legally prohibited to an extent under the Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 (No XIX). Under the Act, the minimum age for marriage was 18 years for a male and 16 years for a female (section 2).[14] However, under a new bill passed in Pakistani Senate, the minimum age […]
Just a reminder > Forced Marriage In Pakistan | Child Marriage | Punishments
If you have any question about cases feel free to CONTACT. Call : +923000450008 In this video, I would like to share the knowledge about prohibition of forced marriages of women in Pakistan and children marriages and its punishments. #03000450008 #Forced_Marriage #Children_Marriages ………………………../JOIN……………………….. Whatsapp: https://wa.me/923000450008 Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/Alirazaawanadvocate/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004044439148 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/Aliawanadv/ Family Laws In Pakistan | […]
Just a reminder > Child marriage in Yemen
It’s ludacris source
Just a reminder > PM Modi Slams Opposition| Triple Talaq, Child Marriage Law- Nobody Demanded These But Were Necessary
PM Narendra Modi during his address at Lok Sabha highlighted laws that were never asked but for made for the betterment of the society. #Modi #LokSabha #Parliament #IndiaToday Subscribe to India Today for NEW VIDEOS EVERY DAY and make sure to enable Push Notifications so you’ll never miss a new video. All you need to […]
Just a reminder > Child Marriage Bid Foiled in Koraput
Child Marriage Bid Foiled in Koraput #PrameyaNews7 #News7 #OdishaNews Prameya News7, is a leading Odia News Channel of Odisha,India. Prameya News7 provides Fair, Unbiased news from Odisha and beyond. For latest Odisha News Follow us: Website: http://www.prameyanews7.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PrameyaNews7Odia Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEWS7Odia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NEWS7Odia https://www.instagram.com/prameyanews7/ Playlists- Breakfast Odisha: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyEZFoVpwktvut9VFDPkWNtP-IzhPtIjl Daffa | Crime Stories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPYkLhBzv0w&list=PLyEZFoVpwktuT4di6dVJ59kvKr3zXvVjO Jollywood Jalwa: […]
Just a reminder > Child Marriage in Nigeria: Teenage Girls forced to Marry in Africa (Arise)
Africa must rise beyond this ugly practice of forcing teenage girls to marry men that are old enough to be their grandparents. This video shows a typical example of what needs to be done. Watch to the end. Let us rise and say no to this ugly practice. Our girl child deserves the best. source
Just a reminder > Harmful Practices: Myths on Female Genital Mutilation, Child Marriage and Son Preference