مؤسسة ندى | This video is part of the Council on Foreign Relations' "Child Marriag…

[ad_1] This video is part of the Council on Foreign Relations' "Child Marriage" InfoGuide Presentation: Child marriage remains widespread in developing countries, disproportionately affecting girls and endangering their lives and livelihoods. Rooted in cultural tradition and poverty, the practice not only violates human rights laws but also threatens stability and economic development. International conventions prohibit […]

مؤسسة ندى | '12 women who had all been married as children produced this video speaking…

[ad_1] '12 women who had all been married as children produced this video speaking out against child marriage, which they then screened in their villages on wide screen projectors. This video and project was the beginning of Video Volunteers' Community Video Unit Program. Help us caption & translate this video! source…/ [ad_2] مؤسسة ندى […]