مؤسسة ندى | The humanitarian crisis in war-torn Yemen is becoming deeper every day. With mos…

[ad_1] The humanitarian crisis in war-torn Yemen is becoming deeper every day. With most of the country's population on the brink of famine, some desperate families have resorted to marrying off their daughters, some of them as young as 3 years old, just to get food. RT LIVE Check out Subscribe to RT! Like us […]
مؤسسة ندى | What we consider pedophilia Islam calls marriage, THIS IS GOING ON IN 91 COUNTRI…
[ad_1] What we consider pedophilia Islam calls marriage, THIS IS GOING ON IN 91 COUNTRIES, and now England makes 92. sourcehttps://www.nadafund.org/child-brides-of-islam/ [ad_2] مؤسسة ندى لحماية حقوق الفتيات
مؤسسة ندى | A UN representative in Yemen says the ongoing war is taking a heavy toll on chil…

[ad_1] A UN representative in Yemen says the ongoing war is taking a heavy toll on children. About 80 percent of under 18s are in urgent need of help. Just a warning, you may find some of the images in Aishe Jamal's report distressing. #yemen #war #children Subscribe: Livestream: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Visit our website: […]
مؤسسة ندى | They are punished for behaviour that's said to bring shame on their familie…
[ad_1] They are punished for behaviour that's said to bring shame on their families, and the price can be severe. It could be theft, drugs, sex outside marriage or just marriage without the familys consent, but for some Yemeni women, such issues will remain with them for their whole life. Al Jazeera's Mohamed Vall travelled […]
مؤسسة ندى | I shot this in Betacam SP in 1998 for UNICEF as part of the state of children ed…

[ad_1] I shot this in Betacam SP in 1998 for UNICEF as part of the state of children education in the world. I digitized this from a VHS copy of the video. sourcehttps://www.nadafund.org/girls-education-in-yemen/ [ad_2] مؤسسة ندى لحماية حقوق الفتيات
مؤسسة ندى | Omaima Hoshan is a young, ambitious and brave teenage girl. She advocates for wo…

[ad_1] Omaima Hoshan is a young, ambitious and brave teenage girl. She advocates for women’s right to education and she also discourages early marriage. Omaima runs painting and acting classes to educate young girls and parents on underage marriage. “When I got to sixth grade , I started hearing about girls as young as 12 […]
مؤسسة ندى | married with children, child marriage, feminism, egypt, children getting married…

[ad_1] married with children, child marriage, feminism, egypt, children getting married, child marriage in egypt, child marriages, latest news, breaking news, news today, arranged child marriage, arranged marriage, informoverload, married with children 2016, married with children cast, paedophilia, sexual assault, cairo, womens rights, human rights, ceremony, wedding, yemen, early marriage, lyric video, liam gallagher, noel […]
مؤسسة ندى | Hunger has always been a problem in Yemen, but two and a half years of war has s…

[ad_1] Hunger has always been a problem in Yemen, but two and a half years of war has starved the country. CNN's Clarissa Ward reports a famine in Yemen would be the largest the world has seen in decades. Clarissa got rare access to a hospital in the Yemen port city of Aden to show […]
مؤسسة ندى | Daily headlines from the UAE and around the world brought to you by Gulf News. g…

[ad_1] Daily headlines from the UAE and around the world brought to you by Gulf News. gh utility bills in Sharjah. Yemeni child bride. Syria in crisis. Philippines standoff. La Liga clash. English Premier League. RedFest DXB. See more at: source https://nadafund.org/yemeni-child-bride-allegedly-dies…/ [ad_2] مؤسسة ندى لحماية حقوق الفتيات
مؤسسة ندى | Child Marriage , 11-Year-Old Yemeni Girl Nada Al-Ahdal Flees Home to Avoid Force…

[ad_1] Child Marriage , 11-Year-Old Yemeni Girl Nada Al-Ahdal Flees Home to Avoid Forced Marriage: I’d Rather Kill Myself , “Nada al-Ahdal” would rather die than be forced into marriage sourcehttps://www.nadafund.org/11-year-old-yemeni-girl-nada-al-ahdal-flees-home-to-avoid-forced-marriage-id-rather-kill-myself/ [ad_2] مؤسسة ندى لحماية حقوق الفتيات