Just a reminder > Child Marriage is Legal in the USA
America be wild sometimes This is a reupload from Soph. source
Just a reminder > From child, to bride, to mother: Child marriage around the world
Child Marriage is defined as a marriage of a girl or boy before the age of 18 and refers to both formal marriages and informal unions in which children under the age of 18 live with a partner as if married. Child marriage affects both girls and boys, but it affects girls disproportionately, especially in […]
Just a reminder > Awareness Video – Solution to Ends Child Marriage
#ChildIsNotBride #ChildMarriage source
Just a reminder > Barely out of infancy and this girl is getting married in Mass Child marriage ceremony in India
Child marriage is illegal in India, but it still takes place in a few rural areas where it is considered a traditional religious practice. Very small child forced to get married in Rajasthan Mass Child marriage ceremony. A Rajasthani rural wedding taking place near Tonk district of Rajasthan, India. It took place as a part […]
Just a reminder > Conducting Ethical Research on Child Marriage in Humanitarian Settings
Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage – in collaboration with the Women’s Refugee Commission, John Hopkins University and the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to End Child Marriage – invite you to participate in a shared learning webinar: This participative session – facilitated by Courtland Robinson from the John Hopkins University and Janna […]
Just a reminder > Child Marriage and Honor Killing
Child marriage is formal or informal union before age 18. It is a violation of children’s human rights and a form of gender-based violence that robs children of childhood. Child marriage also disrupts their education and drives vulnerability to violence, discrimination and abuse. Despite laws against child marriage, the practice remains widespread: Globally, one in […]
Just a reminder > Child Marriage Documentary
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مؤسسة ندى | زواج القاصرات

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