Just a reminder > Child marriage | UNICEF
Married at 14 against her will, Habiba is determined to help other girls stay in school and follow their dreams. #EndChildMarriage Subscribe to UNICEF here: http://bit.ly/1ltTE3m The official UNICEF YouTube channel is your primary destination for the latest news updates from the frontline, documentaries, celebrity appeals, and more about our work to realize the rights […]
Just a reminder > Fighting child marriage: 11-year-old Ilham's story
“They say, ‘If you marry her off you will have a good life’ … They gave me the same story.” Ilham’s mother was sold into marriage when she was 11. She doesn’t want the same for her daughters. Will you speak out against child marriage?: http://wvuk.org/GJo730q9s2B #StandWithHer source
مؤسسة ندى | Daily Press Briefing: Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Myanmar-Bangladesh, Austral…

[ad_1] Daily Press Briefing: Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Myanmar-Bangladesh, Australia-Timor-Leste, Fyrom, Child Marriage, Food Assistance, Darfur, Honour Roll Noon Briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the UN Secretary General. HIGHLIGHTS: – U.N. SPECIAL ENVOY MEETS REPRESENTATIVES FOR IRAN, RUSSIA AND TURKEY TO DISCUSS CONFLICT IN SYRIA – YEMEN: U.N. WARNS SOME 77,000 PEOPLE HAVE […]
مؤسسة ندى | The video is the second episode of our web series on early marriage produced on …

[ad_1] The video is the second episode of our web series on early marriage produced on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child (October 11, 2017) to highlight the issues concerning gender inequality facing young girls in Nepal. यस वर्षको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय बालिका दिवसको अवसरमा तयार गरिएको बालविवाह सम्बन्धि वेभ श्रृंखलाको पहिलो इपिसोड source […]
مؤسسة ندى | In India, marrying off a daughter means one less mouth to feed, which is why chi…

[ad_1] In India, marrying off a daughter means one less mouth to feed, which is why children are forced to illegally marry very young. CBN News was there for one ceremony… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN sourcehttps://www.nadafund.org/indias-innocent-secret-weddings-of-child-brides-cbn-com/ [ad_2] مؤسسة ندى لحماية حقوق الفتيات
مؤسسة ندى | "Millions of YouTube viewers were shocked by the harrowing video of an 11-y…
[ad_1] "Millions of YouTube viewers were shocked by the harrowing video of an 11-year-old Yemeni girl who claimed she ran away to escape an arranged marriage. But questions are now being raised about the authenticity of the claims by Nada al-Ahdal, who claimed she was only saved from the forced engagement after her uncle intervened. […]
مؤسسة ندى | source

[ad_1] sourcehttps://www.nadafund.org/shameless-islamophobes-on-yemeni-child-brides/ [ad_2] مؤسسة ندى لحماية حقوق الفتيات
مؤسسة ندى | In the Muslim culture, it is ok for a “man” to have a girl of ANY age. That went…

[ad_1] In the Muslim culture, it is ok for a “man” to have a girl of ANY age. That went for Muhammed as well. sourcehttps://www.nadafund.org/child-marriage-in-islam/ [ad_2] مؤسسة ندى لحماية حقوق الفتيات
مؤسسة ندى | The Bride Price: Consequences of Child Marriage Worldwide is a video containing …

[ad_1] The Bride Price: Consequences of Child Marriage Worldwide is a video containing moving images by Stephanie Sinclair – recipient of the 2007 UNICEF Photo of the Year – on the many issues of child marriage. Sinclair's photos include compelling images of child brides in Afghanistan, Ethiopia and India. Sinclair's previous work on child marriage […]
مؤسسة ندى | By definition, adolescents are persons from 10 – 19 years of age (UNICEF SOWC, 2…
[ad_1] By definition, adolescents are persons from 10 – 19 years of age (UNICEF SOWC, 2011). In Bangladesh, there are an estimated 30 million adolescent boys and girls between the ages of 10 – 19 which represents 20 per cent of the population – a significant proportion of the population. The situation of adolescent girls […]