In March 2005, Nadia became the chief editor of the Yemen Times, the country’s first and most widely read independent English newspaper, and quickly became a leading voice in Yemen and worldwide media on issues of media, gender, development and social issues. Under her leadership several publications were created, especially those for the advocacy of women’s participation in politics such as “Breaking the Stereotype” and “LEAD.”

Nadia Al-Sakkaf has been director of the Yemen Times Establishment which includes the Yemen Times, Yemen’s first and only independent English language newspaper since March 2005.

In addition to the newspaper, the Yemen Times Establishment also includes a civil society organization: Yemen 21 Century Forum, a printing house, a community radio station and a research center. Nadia runs the entire establishment managing more than 60 employees and three branches.

Al-Sakkaf received the first Gebran Tueni Award 2006 for professional media given from World Association of Newspapers and An-Nahar Newspaper in Lebanon.

Nadia is also the first Arab woman to be awarded the Oslo Business for Peace international award, as she is one of 2013 honorees as one of the world influential business leaders who through their achievements have demonstrated the benefits of a constructive relationship between business and society.

Under her leadership several publications were created especially those for the advocacy of women’s participation in politics such as “Breaking the Stereotype” and “LEAD.”

She has a BE in computer science from Birla Institute of Technology in Indian and a M. Sc. in Management Information Systems from University of Stirling in Scotland.

She was born in Yemen on March 8, 1977 and is married and has two children.


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