After compliments, Allow me to introduce myself, I am Nada Al-Ahdal (born February 2, 2002) a human rights activist and resident of Yemen known for escaping two different child marriage pacts which my parents had arranged it for me. In 2013, I posted a YouTube video decrying child marriage showcasing my story and my experience in being forced into marriage contracts, which quickly went viral and prompted coverage of Yemen’s continued practice of child marriage.

I managed to influence the comprehensive national dialogue conference in Yemen to pass and apply a law of criminalizing the marriage of minors under the age of 18 , and that is after launching my first video to rally the international media to denounce the marriage of minors.

Below are highlights of my main not limited to my achievement during the awareness campaign I held throughout my life:

· Chairman of Nada Foundation for child rights protection, that I founded through the support of believers in my cause.

Nominated for the 2018 Nobel Prize for Children.
My book was printed in two languages; French and Dutch and in the process of being printed in 7 other languages to raise awareness around the world.
A documentary film has been launched and made under MBC1 highlighting my story and phases I passed through my life since the incident of marriage.
I participated in the film that has been nominated for the Oscar, titled “I Am Nojoom, Age 10 And Divorced”
Helped and participated 400 girls in learning English through a program called “OurDreamsThrive)
Managed to raise awareness among 60 Yemeni girl and saved them for child marriage through my program (Safe havens)
Provided 8 scholarships for girls in local schools.
Participated in the most inspirational platform known worldwide TEDxMuscatWomen part of TEDx platform where I highlighted my story
Utilizing social media accounts through hash tag , and insure showing up in known TV channels to spread awareness as much as possible(#السلام بالتعليم).
Participated in different conferences across the world including: KUWAIT, TURKEY, SULTANATE OF OMAN, and KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA.
A program has been proposed where ill my own shows through MBC1 have

Looking at my achievements above, compared to my age and what I have been through shows that I’m willing to dedicate my life to the cause of stopping child marriage.

Name: Nada Esmail Saleh Hashem Al-Ahdal

Activity: Children rights activist

Phone: +962 077 777 2910


Social media account:

Instagram: @nadalahdal

Facebook: @nadalahdal



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