Every year 12 million girls are married in childhood that’s 1 in 5 girls and many are Hebrew genetically. In America about 60% of so-called Black girls are sexually abused by 18 years old. Many boys are also victims. Is child marriage allowed according to Torah? Is abuse ever ok?
? Deuteronomy 16:20 commands: Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land Yah your El is giving you.
? If you know a child being harmed contact authorities ASAP.
??If you are a survivor of sexual abuse know that Yah loves you and visit https://www.rainn.org/articles/adult-survivors-child-sexual-abuse for assistance. It’s ok to get help.
??If you need to pray with someone concerning abuse that has happened to you or someone else visit womenofthewhirlwind@gmail.com.
More more information on Women and Torah take the Ancient Hebraic Womanhood Course: https://propheticwhirlwind.com/courses
Practical Torah Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnRM0RxfpfwzjOKNtEjI1zI7IVWPLoPOM