مؤسسة ندى | Three years of intense civil war have pushed underdeveloped, overlooked Yemen to…

[ad_1] Three years of intense civil war have pushed underdeveloped, overlooked Yemen to the brink of collapse. Peace is the only way forward. Here’s how you can help: sourcehttps://www.nadafund.org/yemens-children-dream-of-peace-sawsans-story-unicef-usa/ [ad_2] مؤسسة ندى لحماية حقوق الفتيات
مؤسسة ندى | Forced Marriages where one or both parties is married without their consent and …

[ad_1] Forced Marriages where one or both parties is married without their consent and are illegal in the UK but still pose a massive threat to thousands of individuals. This video talks to survivors of both forced marriages and honour-based abuse; a violent crime committed to defend the honour of the family/community. Here's Rubie's Story […]
مؤسسة ندى | Yousra has cancer in her left eye and is trapped by war in Yemen. While she is b…

[ad_1] Yousra has cancer in her left eye and is trapped by war in Yemen. While she is being treated at an IRC-supported clinic for malnutrition, there are no doctors left who can treat her cancer. Watch and share her story. (Learn more link: ) The International Rescue Committee helps people whose lives and livelihoods […]
مؤسسة ندى | Tamil Nadu pops up first in number of Child Marriages | Tamil Nadu | News7 Tamil…

[ad_1] Tamil Nadu pops up first in number of Child Marriages | Tamil Nadu | News7 Tamil | Subscribe : Facebook: Twitter: Website: News 7 Tamil Television, part of Alliance Broadcasting Private Limited, is rapidly growing into a most watched and most respected news channel both in India as well as among the Tamil global […]
مؤسسة ندى | Half of all girls in Nepal are married before the age of 18, an illegal but prev…

[ad_1] Half of all girls in Nepal are married before the age of 18, an illegal but prevalent practice which denies them access to education and puts them at risk of complications in childbirth from having children too young. A programme called 'Choose Your Future' supported by UNFPA is uniting young girls in the campaign […]
مؤسسة ندى | In March 2005, Nadia became the chief editor of the Yemen Times, the country…

[ad_1] In March 2005, Nadia became the chief editor of the Yemen Times, the country's first and most widely read independent English newspaper, and quickly became a leading voice in Yemen and worldwide media on issues of media, gender, development and social issues. Under her leadership several publications were created, especially those for the advocacy […]
مؤسسة ندى | A UN-brokered ceasefire to protect the port of Hodeidah appears to be holding, w…

[ad_1] A UN-brokered ceasefire to protect the port of Hodeidah appears to be holding, while the United Arab Emirates are withdrawing, having achieved their objectives, says Patrick Cockburn. Also, US Congressional effort to stop US support for the war is having an effect Subscribe to our page and support our work at source https://nadafund.org/yemens-houthis-maintain-upper-han…/ [ad_2] […]
مؤسسة ندى | Child marriage is deeply embedded in cultural traditions, which can be difficult…

[ad_1] Child marriage is deeply embedded in cultural traditions, which can be difficult to change. Girls who marry as children are often more susceptible to the health risks associated with early sexual initiation and childbearing, including HIV and obstetric fistula. Lacking status and power, these girls are often subjected to domestic violence, sexual abuse and […]
مؤسسة ندى | رسالة من أطفال اليمن إلى العالم : ضد #العدوان_السعودي على #اليمن وضد استهداف طير…

[ad_1] رسالة من أطفال اليمن إلى العالم : ضد #العدوانالسعودي على #اليمن وضد استهداف طيران #عاصفةالحزم على الأبرياء من الاطفال في اليمن source https://nadafund.org/a-message-from-yemeni-children-to…/ [ad_2] مؤسسة ندى لحماية حقوق الفتيات
مؤسسة ندى | Born and raised in one of Yemen’s most conservative communities, Wafa has opened…

[ad_1] Born and raised in one of Yemen’s most conservative communities, Wafa has opened the door for the participation of women in peacebuilding. Learn more: www.sfcg.org/yemen sourcehttps://www.nadafund.org/breaking-the-mold-woman-mediator-challenges-gender-norms-in-yemen/ [ad_2] مؤسسة ندى لحماية حقوق الفتيات