What if the girl completed her education and marry after the legal age with her own convictions ?
What if the girl completed her education, had the opportunity to grow socially and emotionally with her peers, and married after the legal age with her own convictions ?
Let us imagine that this is our society. And these are our customs and traditions. And we view the lives of adolescent girls the same way we view the lives of male children.
What if everyone discovered that the small girl in each house is the reason behind the happiness of the family. That she’s the reason behind the smiles and relieves the pressures of life by 35% according to research studies.
How could you accept the sale of a girl when she is the source of happiness at your home?
Let us make our society call those who sell their little daughters into marriage “children smugglers” and consider them criminals. And those who buy a little girl under the name of marriage “child predators” because this man buys a girl for the purpose of fulfilling his sexual desires and making her a house slave for his benefits.
Let us again to imagine that our society does not accept the marriage of minor ,and we gives the girls the right to complete their education to be doctor ,engineers, programmers ,and a leaders in society works, serving humanity and be a partner in the industry of glory and building our nations .
Let’s make every little girl ,our daughter, and protecting her is a protection for all community children .
And consider any violations against the girl’s, harm to the interests of our homelands.
Are not these changes a guarantee of building an advanced and civilized community?
If we respect the rights of young girls it will become a pride for future generations,
establishing a lasting peace for the world.
Is this not enough for the world to respect us, and raise our position among nations and leave good memories to which we will be proud among our generations?
Do you not remember your parents and the beautiful things they have done for you?
So why do you not make a historical footprint for future generations that you protect their rights and girl rights are protected by your awareness and decisions?


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