
Our organisation for the last one year has been campaigning against the prevalence of Child Marriage under a project “Girls Not Bride – Right to be a Girl” funded by Mundo Cooperante. Besides door to door campaign, seminars, interactive meetings and performance of street/intimate theatres, we, in addition, have arranged to air a jingle through Aamar FM Radio broadcaster. The jingle is only for 30 seconds but contains all the warnings against child marriage. On the onset the parents of the girl child are summoned and warned thereafter about the evils of child marriage. The broadcast is reaching about 800 to 900 thousand listeners in West Bengal. Looking at this unique success, we wish to spread the message to End Child Marriage in West Bengal extensively. We as well wish to extend the time and more frequent broadcasting. But due to paucity of fund, we cannot strengthen and continue this most effective battle against the social evil of Child Marriage. As this radio campaign is scheduled to be aired only for 36 times from 18th March to 12th June 2019.
We request all well-wisher of the society to contribute and be part of this social cause.
Account Name- Shelter for Her Empowerment
Account Number – 95932010044065
IFSC- SYNB0009593
Bank Name – Syndicate Bank


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